It is nice to see very impactful people speak about the importance of voting and how to make educated decisions. Social media these days subliminally influence us to do certain things whether they are good or bad. Social media also influences us to think out things and form opinions. Social media is becoming more informative than ever and I AM HERE FOR IT. Throughout this election I have looked closely into who I follow, if we aren't on the same wavelength then I am following you. When the BLM movement became a very prominent thing on social media, I decided that I wasn't going to be silent. I was going to be loud and be informative and base my decision on factual information before making a comment. I began to see many people do the same and it empowered me to believe that I have many followers that agree with me and I should not be silent at all. Even seeing celebrities have a say made me realize this issue is so big and their influence is big as well. I believe if you have a big platform use to show what you believe in don't be silent. In other words, I love the measures we are taking to increase voter turnout this year.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Celebrities and Voting
Flu Shot Szn
Ever since we started giving the flu shot for this season at Walgreens, the turnout has been great. The seniors are really good. about getting their annual flu shot but we have seen a huge but positive change in the younger population. Families are coming in to get their flu shot. We are also seeing many prescriptions coming in for younger children as well. This is a huge push because of the twindemic we are experiencing. The flu shot helps our body build immunity for the flu and may help us build more immunity against covid. A lot of insurance cover the immunization making it free of charge for the patients. My pharmacy manager says she loves doing flu shot clinics for the Walgreens and a lot of people really turn out for the things because some people don't even know where to start to get a flu shot. I am so happy to work with patients on finding resources for them to find affordable immunizations because I believe that healthcare is so important and an affordable healthcare is even more important.
While this pandemic is happening so are the presidential debates. We are so close to election day which is November 3. I feel as if our nation is more divided then ever. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the candidates. There is so much on the line and I have never felt so much happening outside of the doors of my home. I have had many conversations with people about the importance of voting. This is going to be my first year to vote in a presidential election and I feel like my voice is not going to be heard because of the results of the last election. I am also having to pick the lesser of two evils because I do not agree with either one but I can't complain unless I said I tried.
What I love to see is social platforms engaging with users to vote. Instagram has a link on the home feed page that has links to check if you are registered and resources to vote. Snapchat has geofilters that allow you to say your a registered voter in hopes that you will share and persuade other people to vote as well. I hope voter turnout is big this year because there is a lot on the line and many people have mixed emotions on this election just like I do.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Is There an Advantage or Disadvantage during this Fall 2020 Semester?
To go or to not go to class, that is the real question?
Online education seems great when you first hear about it but when it actually comes time to perform you better hope that you have the motivation and ability to do it. I believe it takes a special person to do online courses correctly. I have several classes that state from the beginning that the quizzes and test will be open book because there isn't a possible way of determining if the student is cheating or not. I believe this is fair with the fact that these exams are timed and as if we were in an actual in-person class. This motivates the student to actually learn and keep up with the class to be more efficient during test time. This doesn't make the class easier but more intuitive to learn. There are other classes that have monitored tests and those classes are the hardest to even want to do because of the stressor of I have to know every single thing or I am gonna fail.
I believe this is an advantageous time for some and a disadvantageous time for others. I believe if you are in your first or second undergrad year you are in good shape because you getting your general education out of the way, you do not have to worry about applying to grad school or applying for internships. You are just slowly going with the flow. On the other hand, students who are in their upper undergrad years maybe struggling because some internships have gone down the drain due to the pandemic, or it is hard to find some internships and programs. I do see the brighter side to some of these though some graduate programs are more lenient or opting out some of the requirements because of the pandemic, so I see that as less work for the applicant.
I believe jobs are going to still evaluate you on how well you did in college but I also take into the fact what have done during Covid and how you have coped with it. Always make sure to share your experiences like living through the pandemic because this is a very different time people still want to hear about your experiences it says a lot about a person, too!
Celebrities and Voting
It is nice to see very impactful people speak about the importance of voting and how to make educated decisions. Social media these days su...

I will say it again and again, "this semester is like no other". The University of Kentucky opened its doors for the Fall 2...
It is nice to see very impactful people speak about the importance of voting and how to make educated decisions. Social media these days su...
As you can tell by the title my name is Karen Alesandra Ramos. My name is somewhat special during this time because it is mostly used in me...